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Whether you are a rising freshman or a seasoned senior, the Langley High School band program is an amazing experience. It is a true home for many Langley students, and represents a source of immense talent, effort, pride, friendship and lasting memories.

Below is a glance at the typical year in band:


August-October:  Marching Band

September:  Tag Day Fundraiser

September:  Senior Regional Orchestra Auditions

October:  All-Virginia Jazz Auditions

October:  Marching Band Assessment at the VBODA Festival

November - May: Concert Season

November:  Senior Regional Orchestra Event

January: All-District Band Auditions

January: Langley Pyramid ("Area") Concert (Our ESs, Cooper MS and Wind Symphony)

February: All-District Band Event (local 3-day weekend)

February:  All-Virginia Band Auditions

March:  Concert Band Assessment

March:  Annual Langley band trip (3-5 day optional trip)

April:  Solo & Ensemble Festival

April: All-Virginia Band Event (3-day weekend in Richmond, VA)

May:  Langley band End-of-Year Band Banquet


Marching band is a great way to meet other students and make Langley your home before school starts.  It is required for Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble members and highly encouraged for Symphonic Band members. Contact the band director if you anticipate a conflict.

Marching season begins in early August with Marching Band Camp. Camp is at Langley eight hours a day, five days a week, for the three weeks before school starts. Camp is normally in the morning and afternoon the first two weeks and in the afternoon and evening the last week. Once school begins, rehearsals are after school on Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Wednesdays. 

The Marching Saxons perform at home football games on Friday nights and in about four competitions on Saturdays in September and October. The band also plays at the Halloween Spooktacular at the Great Falls Village Center and at a football game at McLean HS.

The Color Guard is open to all students at Langley. It practices separately from the band at first in August, then joins the band for rehearsals as both groups learn the show. After marching season, the Color Guard transitions to Winter Guard and its own schedule of rehearsals and Winter Guard competitions.


Tag Day is a band tradition! It's the band's largest and most critical fund-raiser of the year. It is a Saturday in early September where all band and color guard members go door-to-door in the Langley boundary area asking for donations to support the band program. Fundraising is needed for the purchase of marching band and color guard uniforms, instruments and equipment, and registration and transportation to band events.


Langley's three concert ensembles and percussion ensemble rehearse during the school day, with additional after-school or evening rehearsals once marching season is over. These rehearsals are generally once a week on Wednesdays in November through mid-December and February through mid-May.


Jazz Band and Flute Choir are "8th period" classes on student transcripts. They do not meet during the school day at all, and rehearse periodically after school.

There are four main concerts over the year -- the Fall Concert in November, the Winter Concert in December, the Pre-Assessment Concert in March and the Spring Concert in May. The Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble and Flute Choir perform in a couple separate concert events.

The Bands on the Run 5K fun run and walk is held at Langley on a Sunday morning in late April and benefits both Langley HS and Cooper MS bands. Funds are raised through sponsorships by local businesses and participation in the 5K. DJ music, food and sponsor booths and vendors help make the 5K a great day!

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Langley High School Band

Langley High School   /   6520 Georgetown Pike  /   McLean, VA 22101   /  email  Band Director

LHS Band Association  /  PO Box 7741  /  McLean, VA 22101  / email LHS Band Assn

Copyright 2025 by LHS Band Association 

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